Intro to Cryptocurrency Taxation

Everything in our Basics & Key Terms course with a deeper dive and more robust teaching. Includes 2 hours of IRS Continuing Education.

Course Summary

This intermediate course will provide an overall introduction to the taxation of cryptocurrency. Covered topics include: official guidance from the IRS, the history of cryptocurrency, key terms, taxable vs non-taxable events, capital gains, reporting requirements, mining, hard forks, and amending prior year returns. 2 CE’s will be granted with the successful completion of this module. IRS Program #: RUSSH-T-00003-18-O (Live Online) and RUSSH-T-00003-18-S (recorded self-study)

Course Curriculum

Knox Wimberly

Knox is an Enrolled Agent. He earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service passing a three-part comprehensive IRS test covering individual and business tax returns. Enrolled agent status is the highest credential the IRS awards.

Knox is considered one of America's Tax Experts having taught practitioners all over the country.

Knox’s areas of expertise include the taxation of clergy, cryptocurrency, cannabis, foreign earned income, estates (especially on the 1041 fiduciary return), S corporations, and trusts. His practice also includes tax resolution and he is a Fellow of the National Tax Practice Institute.

In addition to his own practice, Knox most recently served as the Chief Tax Officer for Happy Tax (a national tax franchisor). He is also the Tax Director for,, and

Knox currently serves as the CEO of Taxaroo (

Working Group Membership:
Legislative Implementation Working Group (CERCA, IRS, Department of Treasury)
Tax Working Group (Accounting Blockchain Coalition)

Jason Bismark

Tax Professional

Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

Course Pricing

Introduction to Cryptocurrency Taxation

$47 USD

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